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Discount Vouchers

Download one of our great vouchers to redeem in store. At Torga we want you to look great and SAVE even more. We have NO Middlemen and NO hidden costs!

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Thokoza Flexi-Tint Promotion Voucher

Thokozela ama zaza with our Thokozile package deals! Get free flexi-tint with frames and lenses with us for just R1199! Download the voucher, bring it to your nearest Torga Optical store, and book your appointment using the link below.

UV420 Blue Light Protection Voucher

Bring this voucher to your nearest Torga store and get Torga's UV420 Blue Light protection with only R490 cash!

Drive Optix from Just R1649 extra In-store Voucher

Bring this voucher into your nearest Torga store and get Torga's Drive Optix promotion from R1649 extra!

2 Pairs of Multifocals from Just R6499 with Polarised lenses In-store Voucher

Bring this voucher to your nearest Torga store and get 2 Pairs of Multifocals from Just R6499 with Polarised lenses!

You SAVE up to R5100 and more!


Eye Test for Just R299 In-Store Voucher

Save R299 on our comprehensive eye test, usually priced at R600! Download the voucher, bring it to your nearest Torga Optical store, and book your appointment using the link below.